A sticky second
@Sculpture Quadrennial Riga
15.08.24 — 23.08.24The concept of the butterfly effect emerged in the 1960s from the research of American meteorologist and mathematician Edward Lorenz, who is one of the pioneers of chaos theory. Lorenz was working on a simplified weather model to predict weather patterns, and in 1961, he discovered something surprising. He re-entered numerical data into his computer program, but to save time, he rounded the data from six decimal places to three. As a result, he observed that a seemingly insignificant change in the input data produced a significantly different outcome. This indicated that even small changes in initial conditions could lead to significant and unpredictable consequences in the future.
Artist Laimdota Malle metaphorically explores this phenomenon in her imaginative construcitons, where different forms and materials interact to create a controlled and peculiar chaos. Her works visualize how sensitive these chaotic systems are to initial conditions, making their long-term behavior difficult to predict. Through this exploration, Malle draws connections to the atmosphere, ecology, and our daily micro-decisions, highlighting how small actions can have a significant impact on our world.
Foto: Lauris Aizupietis